Treat and Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Massage!

Did you know, according to the American College of Rheumatology, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects anywhere from 4-10 million Americans?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a common disorder that causes numbness, pain and weakness in the wrists and hands, is often found in adults as a result of compression of a nerve in the wrist. It is most common in older adults and, unfortunate for us women, females are three times more likely to develop the syndrome.

I have great news though: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can easily be treated and prevented with massage!

While the usual solution for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is surgery, massage offers a less invasive alternative with comparable results. The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine explains the process well in stating, “massage therapy that is used for alleviating pain does so by relieving the pressure on the nerve and increasing the micro-vascular blood supply to the nerves so that the pain is lessened. The massage therapy is affected by frequent massage of the hand, the anterior musculature, the forearm flexors and the wrist.”

By coming in for regular appointments, I cannot only help relieve pain for patients currently suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but I can help everyone with massage for prevention. Additionally, I am happy to teach my patients self-massage techniques to use at home and on a daily basis!

Massage is not only great for preventing and treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but other syndromes such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, a disorder causing pain in the shoulders and neck.

Contact me today to learn more about massage as an alternative form of treatment for common syndromes!