Deep Tissue Massage Helps Plantar Fasciitis

Do you suffer from pain on the sole of your foot, especially first thing in the morning?  Well, you could be suffering from plantar fasciitis, also known as plantar heel syndrome.  Luckily this is a common pathology that can be alleviated through deep tissue massage.

Usually with plantar fasciitis, the pain is worse in the morning and when coming up on the toes of the affected foot. The muscles are often tender to the touch and may even contain trigger points. While there is limited knowledge on what clinical treatment is effective for plantar fasciitis, massage therapy and stretching are viewed as first-line interventions.

Massage therapy to the plantar flexor (major ankle) muscles is common in patients with plantar fasciitis; however, a recent study has shown that deep tissue massage of the calf muscles reduces plantar fasciitis symptoms as well. This clinical trail, based at on outpatient physical therapy clinic in Israel, was published in the journal Manual Therapy in September 2013.

The study compared massage intervention to ultra sound, which is commonly used in physical therapy treatments.  Researchers found that deep massage of the calf combined with stretching improves the function of patients with plantar fasciitis more so than ultrasound and stretching.  Luckily, ten minutes of deep pressure massage easily fits into most therapeutic massage sessions.

While regular self-stretching is dependent on the commitment of the individual, massage therapists at Heidi’s Healing Hands are skilled in trigger point and deep tissue massages.  Even though massage therapy combined with regular stretching is not a cure for plantar fasciitis, they are effective and necessary steps towards alleviating pain.

To read more about the clinical trail visit MassageToday.   To find out how Heidi’s Healing Hands can help your plantar fasciitis, stop in or visit our website!