Headache Relief!


Headaches. Even the word hurts to read. If you find that you get headaches or migraines on a regular or even semi-regular basis. You may have some key tight or knotted up muscles that are causing those issues. I understand that stress or tension headaches are the WORST! I used to get those “aura” migraines. Those are the kind that you see a weird light in your eye before the splitting head happens. As soon as I saw it I would run for the Excedrin and hope for the best!

Well, now I know where those stinkers were coming from. When we are stressed out we typically raise our shoulders up, that causes our upper trapezius muscle to contract which, in turn, causes those little muscles on the back of our heads called the occiuputal muscles to contract as well. That restricts blood flow to our brain and then, you guessed it, you got a headache.

That’s where I come in. I am able to get the neck and all of those little troublemaking muscles that like to cause headaches and migraines to give up and let go. I utilize my techniques in trigger point and Swedish massage to help them to loosen up and work with me-not against you anymore. Your muscles and your noggin will thank me!