Massage With Your Workouts!

After a long hiatus from the blog I am back at the blogging and working out! This is the time of year that we are all trying to get into better shape. So naturally we’re pushing our bodies a little harder than they’re used to and that’s a good thing! But on the flip side we need to see the world through our muscles eyes.

Just like anything that gets used a lot our muscles need a break, but not just that, they need a tune up. We naturally think our body should be able to sustain all that we want it to do for us. But just like a vehicle that doesn’t get regular oil changes, tune ups and maintenance, it will quit on us! Kink’s in the neck, back spasms, decreased range of motion in your shoulders and or arms, loss of strength and the list goes on. As I’m sure we’ve all experienced to some extent at one point or another.

Now, the key is not stop working out or doing what you love, it is to be good to those muscles that are working so hard for you. After doing the same motion over and over they get “stuck” thinking that’s they way they’re supposed to stay. And that can be as simple as siting at a desk and slightly shrugging your shoulders all day, working on a roof from sun up to sundown or training for a marathon or triathlon. So what I do in my sessions is get those muscles to “let go” restoring them to how they are supposed to react and function correctly for you. I do this in a way that is comfortable and peaceful for you as well. So you can get back to work, doing what you love, or your intense workouts knowing that your muscles are less prone to injury, more flexible and just plain happier!