Sciatica or Glute pain?

massierende hände 7

Sciatica pain is an issue that is becoming more and more common. I have seen, however, that many people who are feeling pain in their backs, hips and legs are attributing it to sciatica when it’s really caused by very tight gluteal muscles; AKA your bottom!

True sciatica is hip and leg pain caused by a ruptured or herniated vertebral disc putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. This pain can be mimicked by a very tight gluteal muscle that also can pinch the sciatic nerve. This is the kind of pain that I can and have helped!

Many of us think that we carry all our stress in our neck and shoulders. While we do carry it there we also put a lot of it in our glutes! If you think about it, many of your back muscles attach in your glutes and many of your leg muscles attach there as well! We are constantly using it while ignoring it. I can get those sore, and sometimes stubborn glute muscles to loosen up by using compression and deep tissue neuromuscular techniques. You will leave with a relaxed heiny and hopefully, a soothed soul.