Stillness-Finding Peace with Structure

So here we are, together alone! As we all experience this global pandemic unfolding, most of us are participating in the “Shelter at Home” mandate. Whether that looks like working from home or being laid off temporary, this can create massive stress especially if you have little ones and you are managing all of them as well! Dealing with stress and helping my clients relax is something I love to do. So I would love to offer some ideas and tips to help you have peace and structure in the stillness.

First of all, most of us (kids included;) are used to a routine, a purpose every day. Taking that away for a little while and embracing the first few days as a vacation is lovely, but after a few days we all (not just kids) can start to get anxious, stir crazy, even depressed. Then throw in still all the unknown of when this will all resolve and the damage it may cause to the US and world economy! Whew! I get a little freaked out just thinking about it. In a weird way it is a humbling reminder that so much of life that we count on staying the same is really out of our control. 

So again, here we are together in it! Here are some tips that I have been implementing in the last week or two. I hope they help you feel peaceful and less stressed while we all wait this out together. 

First of all- Breathe. Consciously breath deeply and slowly and out of doors if possible. If you have essential oils you can put a drop or two of your favorite oil or blend like lavender or the Young Living blend “Peace and Calming” in your hands, rub them together and then place them in front of your nose and take several deep breaths. Even if it is for just 10 minutes in the morning (or whenever you need it!) It reminds you to stay in the present moment without jumping in to the unknown that you can’t control anyway! An epsom salt soak is an excellent way to de-stress and have a little getaway. 20-30 minutes in the bath with 2 cups of epsom salts and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils for an added aroma therapy treat. Your muscles and mind will thank you!

Secondly- Spend Time Outside (in non crowded areas, maintaining 6 feet distance:). Getting fresh air and exercise is a proven stress reliever. Walking even helps you connect both sides of your brain. So you may find yourself with moments of epiphany! 

Thirdly- Eat Well And Drink Water. It is easy when dealing with stress to reach for comfort food. While I’m a fan of comfort food and believe it has a place. It usually isn’t nutrient rich. So why don’t you try some new recipes while your home! Get creative with new dishes that include fresh veggies and lean meats. You could even create some yummy smoothies can give you a tasty boost and leave your brain and body feeling good. Most of us know that we are supposed to be drinking half of our body weight in ounces of water per day (examp. 140lbs would drink 70oz of water per day). But most of us struggle to do it. Drinking more water will help increase your energy, boost your brain power, help you curb cravings and even help to clear your complexion! So, if it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit why not get a healthy one in. If you’re goal oriented like me, I recommend a clear, larger water bottle like a 32oz Nalgene. That way you can more easily remember how many you’ve had in a day and you can see how much more you have to go to reach your daily goal!

And Lastly- Give Yourself a Daily Plan. Experts have discovered that list making and scheduling your time will make you more productive and I would also say peaceful! All those “to do things” that are bouncing around in your mind are taking up valuable brain space and giving you low grade stress! Write down what you want to accomplish in your week. Then organize what days you want to do which tasks. Try not to do it all in one day. You can even include your kids in getting the jobs done. Since time is no longer such an issue, you can go a little more slowly with your kiddos, teaching them valuable habits and bonding with them as you work on the tasks together:)

I hope these little ideas help you live your life in this season well. And just remember, this is a season! And the silver lining in this may be that we all learn to slow down and soak in the little moments.

Talk to you soon,
